Adrianna Kaya
Adrianna Kaya is a young athlete, who recently started to participate in bodybuilding contests and gained great reviews from the early start. She started young from track and later she decided to continue her athletic career in EOSD competitions. Her first participation in May 2016 in PanHellenic Cup, gave her the 3rd place in Bikini Fitness junior. She then participated in: IFBB Bikini Fitness, in the 22nd Greek Cup by EOSD and in the international contest “Diamond Cup”. In 2017, at the 30th PanHellenic Championship of IFBB, she won the 1st place in Bikini Fitness -1.69 kai 1st at the category Bikini junior as well.
Adrianna says that bodybuilding really changed her lifestyle and the way she thinks. “While you try to build your physique, you also get to improve your character, you learn το be disciplined, mature and focused to everything you do, that is what I love most about it.” That’s a 24/7 effort, because in bodybuilding much like life, you get only what you worked hard for.